Apr 27, 2011

Master Of Photoshop Baojun Yuan

In China, if you have an old photograph that you would like repaired for you; you could do it by yourself, send it to a shop for a fee, or bring it to Baojun Yuan who will do it for free. The 76 year old Chinese man has been repairing photographs for the past 16 years for folks who are too poor to afford such services. With over 2,000 old photos under his belt – his experience and skills have been honed to extremely high levels, despite him learning the software only when he was 60 years old.

The Design Inspiration recently showcased some of his work on their website, and it is pretty impressive. When questioned about why he doesn’t charge for services, he simply replied, “my teacher just taught me how to repair the photos, but he forgot to tell me how to charge.” It’s people like him that show us we’re never too old to start anything. Check out Baojun Yan’s work.